Wednesday, November 24, 2010

In Full Thanksgiving Now We Come

 To be Sung to the Tune of
“When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
(Alternate Tune)

O Lord our Father and our King,
Your gracious Name we gladly sing;
Our minds and hearts to Thee we raise,
And lift your Name in glorious praise!

In full Thanksgiving now we come,
Where worldly tongues are sadly dumb.
With grateful hearts for all Thy grace,
The favor of our Father's Face.

His blessings many, showered down,
The chief, to see our Master's crown!
To walk with Him, as one made pure,
Secured in mercy through God's Door

That Door is Jesus, God's blessed Son,
God's precious Lamb, His Only One!
He took our sin, and made us clean,
So we may worship unashamed.

His Kingdom here is but a taste,
Of glory all we hope will haste!
But until realized then we stay,
And work and serve, and live and pray.

We thank you Father for Thy Love,
And for all else sent from above.
But yet we long for that glad day,
When in You presence we will stay!

O Lord our Father and our King,
Your gracious Name we gladly sing;
Our minds and hearts to Thee we raise,
And lift your Name in glorious praise!

 Original Words by
Pastor Bill Farrow
Valley Forge Baptist Church

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