Sunday, January 08, 2012

153 or the Lord?

9 Then, as soon as they had come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid on it, and bread. (John 21:9)

     The disciples had going fishing, they were of course fisherman before they had become disciples of the Lord. While waiting for the Lord they had gone back to their earlier profession.

     The text indicates that they were in a small boat, and that made quite a haul, 153 fish. For such a small boat that is quite a large net full of fish, and indeed, they couldn't pull it into the boat as the text indicates that they had to pull along behind them.

     What is interesting is that what they got back to the shore, they found Jesus already having prepared a meal of fish for them, ready to serve them once they arrived. They did not need to go back to they're prior profession for Christ demonstrated to them that He was fully capable of providing for their every need.

     How marvelous thing to know, as we face an uncertain life!

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